Saturday, May 18, 2013


Hey guys I deleted the intro post because I felt that it didn't say enough. Let me start it over. This blog is about being a teenager and the problems we face. I'm doing this because I am a teenager and know what its like to be one. I'm your average teenage girl, my name's Rayne. I have huge dreams and big passions to go with it. I don't really have a talent, and I'm no prodigy. I love video games. I'm underestimated a lot.  If you came to my school and looked around you wouldn't really notice me. I'm not in the popular group where everyone looks at first. I'm a huge bookworm, I love books and spend a lot of time in the library. I have really overprotective parents and I'm not allowed to do a lot of things. Music is my escape from all the drama. I have a couple of real friends. I have one really cool best friend. She's the total opposite of me. I underestimate myself too. I want to be in a band someday cause I just love to sing and play the guitar. I also want to be a fashion designer. I'm smart but not the smartest person ever. I love to make people laugh. My tears can be the reason for some one's laugh but my laugh will never be the cause of some one's tears. I'm a perfectionist and a big neat freak. That sums some of me up. I hope you like this blog!

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